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Thursday, July 23, 2015

how to naturally cure tooth decay ////// Very very good information

How to naturally cure tooth decay ??

 I bought Oil of Oregano & Colloidal  Silver. Notice above links.

NaturalNews) Toothaches generally occur when a tooth's nerve root becomes irritated. The most common causes of toothaches are infection, decay, injury, or loss of a tooth. Pain may also occur after a tooth has been pulled. While no one enjoys a painful tooth, the good news is that tooth pain and infections can usually be relieved and healed naturally.

If your toothache comes from an abscess or other infection, combine the use of 1) oil of oregano topically and internally; 2) colloidal silver topically, internally and for swishing; and 3) warm salt water for alternate swishing as follows:

1. Take several drops of oil of oregano under the tongue. Hold for a few minutes and then swish with lots of colloidal silver as frequently as once every hour.

2. Spit out the colloidal silver and then swallow additional colloidal silver (up to 8 ounces total in a day).

3. Gently rub some colloidal silver into the gum area around the tooth.

4. After a few minutes, rub oil of oregano onto the gum area.

5. In between the colloidal silver swishes also do a fairly vigorous warm salt water swish (preferably sea salt) and follow that up with more oil of oregano rubbed into the gums.
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